Transition Talk #1 Who runs this place? Unpacking local governance

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Our cities and regions are changing fast. The governance game is changing as well. How can we bring together the energy, knowledge and resources of different actors to accelerate transition towards sustainability?

We will discuss what transition to sustainability can mean and how different people and initiatives, whether bottom-up or top-down, can contribute to making it happen. The focus of this event will be the region of Flanders that is using the transition method in its Flanders in Action programme. The objective of the programme is to turn Flanders into an economically innovative, sustainable and socially caring society by 2020, focusing on 13 great societal challenges, such as e.g. sustainable material management, child poverty, renewable energy and smart grids or targeted innovation policy.

The event will be the official launch of the ARTS project, a three-year action research project funded by the European Commission and coordinated by DRIFT, which aims to benefit policy, practice and theory related to accelerating sustainability transitions.

Come and join this morning of inspiring presentations and discussions, followed by a common lunch in the garden. The event is free of charge but registration is required. To register please contact Ania Rok at